The 5 Elements Model

We all have different communication styles and these have a significant influence on our day-to-day life, whether at work, on holiday, or at home – whether we are communicating with friends, family, loved ones, or managers and work colleagues. By using The Five Elements Model, business leaders are able to effectively drive their teams communication in a positive direction.

The Five Elements Model will enable you to:

  1. Understand your own style of communication, its benefits and potential pitfalls
  2. Improve your ability to communicate effectively with others
  3. Deal with opposing communication styles of others
  4. Be aware of your communication style’s adaptability quadrant and what it means
  5. Use as a problem-solving device for virtually any issue, personal, team or organisational

The 5 Styles Are...

Visioning (where do we want to be?)
Planning (how will we get there?)
Facilitating (what resources are necessary?)
Doing (what actions need to happen?)
Checking (what have we achieved and where are we now?)

Each style has strengths and weaknesses to consider and interacts with other communication styles in different ways.

The Five Elements diagnostic is quick and easy, taking no more than 8 minutes to complete online.

You’ll get a detailed 15-20 page report (the size of the report varies depending on your results!) explaining your communication style/s, adaptability quadrant, where any communicative weaknesses lie, and a whole host of other useful (and actionable) insight.

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